String input program with stdin.

This is also a short program that reads a string from the DOS window.

Here is the code:

; StringRead Assembly file
; Author
    TITLE StringRead  ; a program neve
.386        ; The code already runs on 80386 processor.
.model    flat,stdcall ;

include \masm32\include\

.stack 100H    ; 256 byte stack segment.

; Adatok : 
    buffer db 110 dup (0)

    ORG 100H    ; the code starts at offset 100H
       push 100                 ; set the maximum input character
       push offset buffer       ; put in to stack the effective address of input storage
       call StdIn 

END start

Copy this program into Notepad++ and save it.

Compile and run:
Link : How to compile our console assebmly file, using MASM32.

When running, the cursor appears in the DOS window, and you can enter the input text here.