Hello World program, with StdOut.

This short program shows how to write any text in the DOS window.

We will use the procedure discussed here in the future.

Let's see the code:

; HelloWorld.asm
TITLE CharacterRead    ; program name
.386                ; 80386 program code    
.model flat,stdcall

include \masm32\include\masm32rt.inc

.stack 100H            ; 256 byte Stack segment

.data                 ; Data segment
    String db "HelloWorld!",0

ORG 100H            ; code start at 100H offset    

.code                ; Code segment

    push offset String
    call StdOut

end start

Copy the assembly code into Notepad++ and save it.

Compile and run:
Link : How to compile our console assebmly file, using MASM32.